I dunno guys... Rhianna was doing it for a minute. She had a long run of near-flawless appearances. Her well-contrived avant-guarde-rebel-look was really working for me. But lately? Not so much. I think Chris knocked the fashion sense out of her or something. But that synthetic-looking-curly-mop-mohawk-thing she's rocking is not the look. And she recently got two little gun tatts on each side of her shoulder... Verdict? Not hot. At least not in my humble opinion....
March 26, 2009
Totally... NOT HOT!
March 25, 2009
The Oddest Thing I've Seen/Picture of the Day
I know Kanye West is this huge mega-star and all, but I STILL find it odd and strange to see Zac Efron rocking a t-shirt with Kanye's likeness on it... It's a little scary. I mean, what exactly is it that Zac is representing anyway? We all know it's not the hood, or the South-Side of Chicago, or hip-hop, or Blackness... Damn it, I wanna know! SMH.
Is Ciara Swagger- Jackin?
The image above has been all over the net-- I saw it on Bossip and had to SMH... From the images, it really looks like Ciara has been "influenced" a great deal by Beyonce, but I dunno. How can Ciara be accused of swagger-jackin' when all Bey's swag is pre-jacked? LOL, do y'all follow? I dunno. Bey has been called out more than once for imitating someone else-- and it's really no big deal at the end of the day. People said Beyonce's "If I Were A Boy" was a straight jack off Ciara's "If I Was A Boy"... Big deal-- they jack each other and we know it... NEXT!
Peeps Were Out in NYC w/ Keri Last Night
Keri Hilson celebrated the release of her new album last night at the Pink Elephant in NYC. Although I was supposed to make a cameo appearance, circumstances did not allow. I was still able to get some hot images from my homie Dr. Drew though... Check it:
AKON and his ashy fingers were in the bulding...
Ron Browz...
Adrienne Bailon, Miss Info (Hot 97), Angie Martinez (Hot 97)
Keri actin the fool... I really am bitter I couldn't make it. SMH...
"Paving A Path To Growth": Obama's Selling Point Yesterday
Obama spoke to the nation for the second time yesterday in a much-anticipated conference on his controversial budget plan, AIG and healthcare concerns. 13 questions were asked by journalists from key media outlets such as CNN. Obama was sharp last night, defended his plan unwaveringly and even got a little crunk when reporter Ed Henry (of CNN) accused him of reacting too slowly to the AIG debacle. Obama's reply was simply, "I like to KNOW what I'm talking about before I speak". LOL! Guess he tooooooold him!
Obama also pointed out how his budget plan focuses on long-term goals concerning health care, alternative energy sources and the job market. He says the republicans seem to be in favor of a short-term "quick fix", and a recession of this magnitude simply won't be effectively resolved that way. He also pointed out that despite all his criticism no one has been able to step-forward with an alternative budget. Not to mention the G.O.P's sudden memory loss concerning the fact that their Administration got us into this trillion-dollar deficit to being with-- SMH.
People are not always open to change, but Obama definitely represents that. He is young with fresh ideas and sharp tactics, and I am confident that America made a sound choice. Yes, he is very visible on talk shows and whatnot-- but maybe America NEEDS a tangible President right now. As far as his recent blunders? I can't condone that, but I will say this-- he's human, and prone to mistakes. G'Obama!
March 24, 2009
What In Samhill?
Ignore Kanye and his super-fly main squeeze for a second and look to your left. What in the world is your boy Perez Hilton wearing??? It's my obligation to say something about this, because Perez clowns everyone all the time, and rarely feels a backlash. I'm doing my little part here for the community (insert raucous laughter here).
We STILL Got That New-New For You-You...
I dunno how he manages to do it, but Justin Timberlake always ends up having hot and steamy songs with some of the most desired Black women in the game... Beyonce, Rihanna and now Ciara can be added to the list of Black vixens he's romped with (on-camera, that is). Check out the latest from Ci-Ci and JT below: "Love, Sex & Magic":
For Serious, Complex?
And people wonder why ya boi Kanye has that over-inflated ego.. I mean, the "most influential brand in the Universe"... Are they serious??? Wouldn't that be McDonald's, Coca Cola or Apple? Shit, if we had to name the most influential PERSON int he Universe right now, I'd have to say it would be Barack Obama. Complex is seriously going out on a limb here-- I don't blame 'Ye for his irrational outbursts. When you're surrounded by yes-men all day it's inevitable... SMH.
And I must say it's quite interesting how they gave him white skin and blue eyes... Things that make you go: Hmmmmmmmmmmm.
Picture Of The Day
March 21, 2009
Kanye Molests Keri Hilson's Shoulder.
As random as this video is, I just had to put it up... It's too hilarious. Aparently Keri and Kanye worked on a video together and in the following clip, they speak on it. But judging by this clip, it looks like 'Ye is about to swallow her whole... And I really don't think Amber would care, LOL. WATCH:
March 17, 2009
Word on the street is (and when I say street I mean from my main homie Dr. Drew) This weekend Rihanna was out-and-about without her wife-beating boyfriend. She was on her grind and having meetings with movie-execs who are slated to cast her in a re-make of Whitney Houston's 1992 hit: "The Boudyguard".
Wow, I don't think I have ever seen Rihanna act, and we all know how challenging creating a good re-make... Not uhhhh, sure there if you wanna roll the dice on that one there Lion's Gate-- theses ARE tough economic times and all, LOL.
Picture Of The Day
Fresh 2 Death Like Clothes On A Corpse...
Say what you will about the peculiar pair, but I am loving them! And I loooooove that 'ye cut his hair! I was a lil nervous about the afro-mullet. Here is the couple the other night at the Metropolitan Opera Gala. I am loving the Old Hollywood with an edgy 2009 twist from them. I know that was totally corny, but they inspire my inner fashion-nerd.... Sigh.
I Say, Hot Dayum!
He Came, He Conquered.
Talib Kweli and DJ Hi-Tek (along with special guests Res and Mos Def) ripped the stage at Blue Note last week. They did all their old hits from “Train of Thought” like “Love Language” and “The Blast”. HI-Tek was the producer-genius behind “Black Starr”—the masterpiece created at the turn of the century by Mos Def and Talib Kweli. Being in that legendary jazz bar, and hearing that good music brought back nostalgic memories of that time and how life was. How hip-hop was. How New York was. I miss the Old New York. The pre – 9/11 New York… But I digress.
For the few of you who might not know-- check out one of Reflection Eternal's classic hits:
The blast - Talib Kweli & Hi-Tek
Kweli is currently on tour and you can check the schedule and try to cop tickets by going to his official website: www.talibkweli.com. Last week I had the pleasure of being backstage with the photo-genius Techie, Psycho Les & Ju Ju ((of the Beatnuts), Res & Graph Nobel (of Idle Warship), and of course— the almighty Mos Def. All very good people, and all very good representations of what CCW stands for. The true, the few the bold, and the brave!
March 11, 2009
Talib Kweli Invades BLUE NOTE 2nite!
Wassup my faithful flock? I'll be getting ready to go to Talib & DJ Hi-Tek's show tonight at the Blue Note downtown. All those in the NYC area-- if you can still get tix (which I doubt), get em NOW! It's gonna be a sick show. I'm thinking Jean Grae will also make a cameo so you know it's gonna be somethin'...
T is one of my favorite artists, as well as a friend. I had first met him in Atlanta back in 2000 when he was on the okay-player tour with dead prez, the roots and Jill Scott. It was an amazing show. My best friend and I had spoken with Kweli and Tek back then about their thoughts on hip-hop and it's evolution, and where they were trying to go with the music. True to their word, they have stuck with the formula and kept things authentic. The much anticipated follow-up from the dynamic duo is finally here! Of course T has worked with greats like Mos Def and Kanye West, but he remains one of the most humble artists I know.Several years later in 2004, Talib came back to Atlanta to do a show, and I got the pleasure of interviewing him then. At the time I was working for Don Diva Magazine-- just a young journalist on the come-up. I was definitely proud of that accomplishment, and it was cool that he took the time out for it. It was an opportunity I never forgot and will always appreciate.
T is undoubtedly the voice of this generation's consciousness, and one can only hope that he has blazed the trail for others behind him to follow. Hopefully I can tie him down long enough to get a few questions in tonight for you fans out there in webland-- and if so, look out for that interview coming here reeeeeeal soon!
Oh yeah... And make sure you: GO COP DAT new-new!
March 9, 2009
New Video's!
The Devil Made Me Do It.
I hate to bombard y'all with more CB/Ri-Ri news.. I just CAN'T ESCAPE IT!!! So-- the trial went down last week, but is being post-poned until April. Rihanna does not want an order of protection against Brown.. It would be kinda hard anyone considering that they are bumping uglies on a regular basis... Again...
My good friend Mo told me that the defense team is drafting up this cockamaie proposal that stipulates if Chris touches Rihanna again, he must pay her $10 million... Word? Can every battered woman in America get such treatment? Just wondering. That deifnitley seems more than a little bias on the justive system's side. IMO, if Ri-Ri is fool enough to go back to someone who would beat you within an inch of your life-- then damn it, suffer the consequences! Why get PAID for it? SMDH. Anyways, check out what advice mama OPRAH has for the poor misguided Rihanna:
Quote of The Day
I saw this ish on Bossip... I think Bey is getting more delusional everyday. Mos Def, Nas and a whole lot of other niccas better stand up and set this ish straight! LOL...
"Well, fortunately I haven’t had any break-ups! This [her marriage to Jay Z] is my first relationship,” stated Bey when asked whose songs help her get through heartache the way her songs do for her fans.”
That quote gets an MMMMMM HMMMMMM and a SERIOUS side-eye from me. Blah.
Hip-Hop Quotable...
B-I-G...G-I-E a.k.a B-I-G...
Get it? Biggie.
Also known as the bon apetit,
rappers can't sleep need sleepin'
BIg keep creepin'
Bullets keep seekin'
Casualtis-ly treatin'
Dumb rappers need teachin'.
Lesson A: Don't FUCK wit B-I,
That's that-- oh I..
Thought he was wack,
Oh come, come now
Why y'all so dumb now?
Hunt me or be hunted
I got three hundred and fifty-seven ways
to simmer/sautee
I'm the winner ALL DAY
Lights get dimmer down Biggie's hallway
My forte causes Caucasians to say,
"He sounds demented"-- car: weed-scented,
If I said it, I meant it
Bite my tongue for no one.
Call me EVIL.
Or unbelievable.
"Unbelievable" -Notorious B.I.G
Going on today's BIGGIE theme, this is my favorite Biggie song of all time. I just wrote that off of memory-- I know the whole thing forwards and backwards. This is the type of mastery of words and wittiness that was commonplace for Big. This is what made him so great. It's not like he was saying anything that anyone else wasn't saying. The cliches, the cars, sex, money, oh yes. But it's the way he laid it down that was so unique. And inspiring. And for all you wack lil here-today-gone-tomorrow rappers? "Don't be mad, UPS is hiring!"
B.I.G Rest In Peace...
Today is the 12-year anniversary of the untimely death of a rap legend-- The Notorious B.I.G. 12 years ago today, he was snatched from us, and left a void that has never been able to be filled. We must never forget the legacy that he left behind, and the realness that he brought to the table as one of rap's greatest.
Biggie was so dope, he made me wanna be from Brooklyn-- and that's serious... I'm so Harlem it's not even funny! Haha. But now that I actually live in BK-- I can look around and still see his influences everywhere. There are 12-year-olds in the hood today reciting Biggie's lyrics as if they were there themselves... Some of them weren't even a thought yet! But you know, that just shows how amazing this man is. Pharrell says: N.E.R.D = No one Ever Really Dies, and it's true. Biggie might be gone physically, but he will always be in our minds, our hearts and our music. BROOKLYN, I think you need to stand up right about now.
March 5, 2009
We STILL Got That New-New For You-You...
New Videos! Check Them Out:
Rick Ross feat. John Legend "Magnificent":
Jazmine Sullivan: "Dream Big":
Katy Perry "Thinking Of You":
"Jus Check Da Credits, Hoe!"
So. Word on the street is that there is a feud going on between Beyonce and Keri Hilson. Apparently, Hilson is getting on Beyonce and Ciara in the hot new remix to her hit single: "Turnin' Me On". Some say it's real, some say it's fake, some say it's to sell records, because Keri's debut drops on the 24th.. Who knows? All I know is it makes for interesting news, so here I am. This whole ordeal started when Beyonce rejected some new tracks of Hilson's. I have no idea where ths Ciara beef comes from...
I'll let y'all be the judge though. Here is the infamous line(s):
“I ain’t tryin’ to start no mess there’s just something on my chest that I need to get off…Your vision cloudy if you think you the best. You can dance
, she can sing, but need to move it ‘to the left’.”
“She need to go have some babies. She need to sit down she fading.”
“Go head tell these folks how long I been writing your songs… I been putting you on… check the credits hoe!…If you want me you can find me in Decatur hoe.”
Well, it's common knowledge that Hilson has written several tracks for Beyonce and other Platinum-selling artists in the past. This can be a jab at Bey-- or a misunderstanding-- but from the tone? I thinks its the former...Wanna here the track for yourself? CLICK HERE.
I Like These Two....
Estelle's latest album, "Shine" has basically been my Bible for the past year or so. The production is immaculate, her vocals are sick, the concepts are interesting, and she's a real delight. I would love to see her in concert-- something I am definitely working on... Then there's Solange. It took a while for her to grow on me (I must admit), but I always have an affinity towards the under-dog. Being that people always wanna cast her in her sister's shadow, she has to go above and beyond the norm to stand-out. And that's just what she does. I haven't heard her whole album, but from what I have heard, she has some good material. Her content is fresh and intriguing. Her voice has improved over the years, and motherhood, the death of a dear friend, and divorce has certainly made her more pensive and alluring... She has a dark side we don't see from Bey...
The two chicas are currently on tour together-- check em out in a town near you!
Mandatory Chrianna Update.
I apologize in advance, but sometimes you gotta keep up with he Internet-Jones'. So here we go. Chris is expected to be arraigned in an LA court today with girlfriend Rihanna by his side. Chris was just formally charged with 2 felonies by The L.A. County District Attorney. One count of making a criminal threat and one count of felony assault both against Rihanna. Those charges can lend up to 9 years in prison. Chris will be arraigned at 3:30p this afternoon. Check out the latest:
CHRIS BROWN must be feeling great this week, as he waits to hear whether he is to be charged for an alleged attack on girlfriend RIHANNA. According to E! News, a blood-stained Gucci gown (identified as the one she was wearing en route to the Grammys) has been turned over to the Los Angeles District Attorney's Office as evidence. Nice. And it's also emerged that the LAPD filed an emergency protective order requested by Rihanna just hours after the attack, barring Brown from contacting her for five days. "It is standard practice for the cops to ask the domestic violence victim at the scene of the attack whether they would like an emergency protective order keeping the attacker away," Santa Monica criminal defence attorney ALEC ROSE told E! "If the victim requests it, the EPO is issued and is good for five days. After that time period the victim would have to notify the district attorney's office if they would like the order extended." Well, we already know she didn't bother with that. The couple flew back to California together on Monday after spending the weekend in Miami.
Picture Of The Day...
It's a MIRACLE! Amy Winehouse is actually wearing CLEAN ballet-slippers... Those signature slippers she always wears always look so raggedy-- like she's been kicking sewer rats and dead pigeons all day. Amy took an extended vacay in Grenada where she got treatment for her many demons and even gained a pound or two. Now she's back in London-town, and word on the street is her hubby is humping a 16-year-old. SMH. Old habits die hard-- she got rid of the dirty-ass shoes, now let's see if she'll get rid of the dirt-ass man!
March 4, 2009
Quote of The Day (SMDH Edition)
“God chose me. He made a path for me. I am God’s vessel. “But my greatest pain in life is that I will never be able to see myself perform live.”
I mean, do I REALLY have to say anything after that? Didn't think so.
New Weezy: "Prom Queen"
Picture Of The Day
Your Favorite Stars As Your Favorite Stars...
Glamour had the clever little idea of taking the biggest names in movie and media and having them represent the most powerful icons in media, entertainment and history. Above is a snapshot of Paula Patton as Billie Holiday. They definitely got it right with that one but this:
Riddle me this: in what world does Alicia Keys ever remotely resemble Michelle Obama? I dunno if I'm just bias because the skank was out creepin' with then-married man Swizz Beatz, or maybe it's just because I am so-over her self-righteous act. Can't stand self-righteousness-- we all fall short of the dream, we're all imprefect, we're all human-- sorry Alicia... I honestly would have prefered to see Taraji Henson in that role, or even Nia Long or Gabrielle Union. Alicia is so not "Michelle" to me...Then there's this:
Linds doesn't really strike me as a "Madonna" either, but I can see where they got the inspiration for it. They are both sexually-charged bad-girls that the papps are utterly obsessed with... So I see it. More pix when you holla at my boy Michael K's page: D-LISTED.