April 17, 2008

Akonvict??? More Like a CON MAN!!!!

Breaking News: The smoking Gun (TSG) just broke an expose on Akon-- who seems to have lied/embellished/whatever-you-wanna-call-it on several occassions about his criminal past. The Smoking Gun had the following to say on the matter:

While the performer’s rap sheet does include a half-dozen arrests, Akon has only been convicted of one felony, for gun possession. That 1998 New Jersey case ended with a guilty plea, for which the singer was sentenced to three years probation. Another 1998 bust, this one in suburban Atlanta, has been seized upon by Akon and transformed into the big case that purportedly sent him to prison (thanks to his snitching cohorts) for three fight-filled years. In reality, Akon was arrested for possession of a single stolen BMW and held in the DeKalb County jail for several months before prosecutors dropped all charges against him.
So there was no conviction. There was no prison term between 1999 and 2002. And he was never "facing 75 years," as the singer claimed in one videotaped interview.

But that's not all... Apparently, Akon has tried to claim he was 25, when that is laughable. His ass ain't a day under 40. He also claimed that his birthday was April 30th, when it is really the 16th. TSG goes on to rip apart Akon's various testimonies throughout the years, with an explaination of what REALLY happened in each instance... SMH... How sad. This is what happens when someone with raw talent tries to lean on wack over-done gimmicks in order to create an image and move units... I guess we can now lump Akon in with the Ja-Rule's and the Mason Betha's of the world....

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Gimmie Ur 50 Cents... Pretty please??

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