May 5, 2008

REMY MA Speaks: Straight From Rikers Island!

I have no words... Take from it what you will, and as always: VOTE OBAMA!


  1. SMH at this...
    Can ANYONE just do their time and keep it moving?

    Anyway, nice blog. :)

  2. Also, out of curiousity,

    I decided folks have to tag more things about what's really good with you, the vibe, etc.

  3. Wow, she's a mess. I hope she reads a book or two while she's in there. I get what she saying, but she just need to formulate her sentences properly...i'm just sayin

  4. LOL @ Miss M!!! Clearly...
    @ Dj Fusion-- I gather ur right! LOL! Thanks for the love and appreciation, and I surely do agree with ur notion! (wink)


Gimmie Ur 50 Cents... Pretty please??

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