July 1, 2008

We Have GOT To Do Better...

Don't get me wrong people. I loooooove my blackness, my African culture, and my ancestry but some things just make me shake my head in shame... What in the world is this??? Light skin vs. dark skin? Were they really serious? Well apparently they were. This is a prime example of the things that divide our community and cause us to turn on each other. People are always looking for ways to separate and compete against one another. It's just silly...Things like this sets us back hundreds of years no matter how many Barack Obama's, Tiger Woods', Oprah Winfrey's, or Denzel Washington's we have in this world... SMH @ this fuckery!

1 comment:

  1. oooh I'm so glad I didn't see this flyer in my "inbox", what kind of ignorant shyt is that? Is this "School Daze"?


Gimmie Ur 50 Cents... Pretty please??

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