November 10, 2008

Handing Down The Torch...

According to Yahoo News, Barack and George met today in the White House to discuss the transition of power, amongst other things. This is the first private meeting that the President and President Elect have had since Obama's victory last Wednesday. Michelle and Laura were chilling in the residence-- most likely discussing china patterns and curtain details (because I can't think of a THING those two women would have in common otherwise). This is indeed an exciting time for our country, but Obama defintiely has his work cut out for him. I can imagine Dubya Bush saying something like, "Dude....I fucked up. Your shit is gonna be toast for the next few years... It's an uphill battle. My bad homie...". And subsequently, I can see Obama saying something like: "Man.... This ain't shit. If I can deal with the hardest thugs from the South side of Chicago-- I can romp wit' Osama and them..." Ha!

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Gimmie Ur 50 Cents... Pretty please??

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