May 5, 2009

New Lil' Kim!

You know we always got that new-new for you-you! If it's hot-- it's here and that's that. NOW, let's get into it. Lil' Kim has a new joint out featuring T-Pain (of course-- how predicatable) and Charlie Wilson (which kinda threw me for a loop). The song is called, "Download" and is set to be featured on Kim's next LP titled, "Vintage". Love her and the album title....

The concept of the video is simple. Kim is talking to a man she's met on myspace but never in person and they discuss all the freaky things they will potentially do. It's surprisingly tame and tasteful compared to Kim's normally super-raunched out lyrics. I thought the concept was modern, realistic and cute! I know it's been said a billion and one times, but I love Kim, and I'd love her more minus all the nip-tuck swag she got going on. She looks HORRIBLE in this video unfortunately. It was prolly taped before Dancing With the Stars because she looked cute and almost human there... WATCH:

VIA Concreteloop.

1 comment:

  1. Lil Kim looks effin scary! Jeezus what the hell happened?! Her eyebrows are outta control..shes looks like that dude from NY1 george whipple. Peep this...


Gimmie Ur 50 Cents... Pretty please??

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