May 1, 2009

SMH Eternally @ This One...

For those of you less tech-savvy that don't know what "SMH" means-- it means "Shaking My Head". And I am ETERNALLY (now and forever) shaking my head at the straight coonery/buffoonery below. The next time someone says something racial about Black folks and fried chicken? I can't even be mad. I can't even argue, and I definitely won't hate. Some Black people will sell their soul for some damn chicken. What a shame. Black people were acting the DAMN DONKEY when Popeyes ran out of chicken. Yes, they RAN OUT. And it's because they had a special-- 8 pieces for $4.99, and every single Black person in Michigan ran to their nearest Popeyes. They ate them out! LIterally! And once the rations ran thin, people went nuts. This one man actually had the nerve to say: "How am I gonna feed my children"??? As if supermarkets don't exist, and greasy fried-chicken is the best and only form of sustenance for his children. SMH!!! WATCH:


  1. I just watched this again @ work! Effin hilarious ! Set black folks back a few yrs lol. SMH all day!

  2. Yeah, it's pretty depressing. A black president and folks still act this way in front of the cameras. SMH


Gimmie Ur 50 Cents... Pretty please??

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