Remember back towards the end of 2001 when we thought it couldn't get any worse than 9/11-- and then it did? When we thought we were on the onslaught of a bio-chemical warfare? When the infamous Anthrax poision was implemented into our postal system and sent to many government officials and esteemed journalists? When 5 U.S citizens died from the poisoning, and many were bodily harmed? Well, I remember. And I also remember most of us thinking that the perpetrators were Middle-Eastern terrorists. Isn't it ironic to know that the perpetrator was one of our very own?
Bruce Ivins (pictured above) is what some describe as a "dark genius". He was a bright and successful chemical specialist working in the Army germ lab. He had access to Anthrax and many other dangerous and deadly agents. Yesterday, the government declared that he was solely responsible for the act-- alleging Ivins had custody of the lethal spores and access to the distinct envelopes that the Anthrax was sent in. Ivins turned in phony Anthrax samples during the police investigation, and didn't have "an adequate explanation for his late laboratory work hours around the time of the attacks", according to documents. He tried to frame coworkers out of desperation.
Eventually, Ivins took his own life last week. The pressure, embarrassment, and potential jail time took it's toll. I think we have learned a valuable lesson here. You can never judge a book by it's cover, and when you assume you make an "ass" out of "u" and "me".
I just think this is crazy, and it shows how prejudice we are, When the event occurred, the media tried to portray this as an attack from middle eastern terrorist, while meanwhile it was right in our backyard!